Natural care for horses

Just like the dog and the cat, the horse is an animal with which it is possible to create a fairly close relationship. Robust, the horse is a true friend, always listening to its master. However, to enjoy this animal for a long time, it is important to take good care of it. This is why many people prefer to opt for completely natural remedies and treatments. This is a wise decision since they promote the general well-being of horses and strengthen their immune defenses.

Natural remedies for common horse ailments

Horses can suffer from common ailments such as digestive problems, mild respiratory problems (coughs, colds, etc.) or skin diseases. To remedy this, it is possible to use many natural remedies.

Cade oil

Does the animal’s coat appear to be in poor condition? Do the horse’s hooves need to be protected? Among the various natural products available, use cade oil to remedy this. This oil has many anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

It helps maintain the health of horses’ coats and skin. Cade oil soothes minor irritations, itching, and insect bites. It also treats common hoof problems, relaxes the animal’s muscles, speeds up the healing of wounds, and repels insects.

Linseed oil

Linseed oil has been used for the well-being of horses for a very long time. Rich in essential fatty acids and omega-3, 6, and 9, this oil has many benefits for the digestive system of horses. It helps in particular to fight against constipation and promotes weight gain. Linseed oil also adds shine to horses’ coats.


Thyme is a plant that is widely used in herbal medicine for its many benefits. It is very beneficial for horses due to its antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and astringent properties. It is possible to use it against the animal’s respiratory problems, particularly against coughs. Other natural remedies such as arnica, psyllium seeds, aloe vera, honey, apple cider vinegar, and harpagophytum are also very beneficial for horses.

Grooming Tips for Horses Using Natural Products

Taking care of your horse also involves maintaining its coat and mane. To this end, it is important to clean your pet regularly. To carry out horse grooming, the first thing to do is to invest in a cabin or box. This cabin must be strictly dedicated to grooming the animal. Next, you need to have the right accessories. These include, among others:

  • a rubber horsehair brush (soft brush),
  • with a stiff brush,
  • with a curry comb,
  • with a comb,
  • a washing sponge,
  • a glove,
  • of a horse clipper.

It is also advisable to use hygiene products adapted to the animal. There are many cleaning products on the market (shampoo, lotion, etc.) made from natural ingredients. It is advisable to favor products containing ingredients such as thyme, alfalfa, propolis, cloves or even Damascus rose hydrosol. After grooming, it is possible to apply sweet almond oil to the animal’s body. It makes horses’ coats shine.

Natural Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Horses

The horse is an animal that is very often subject to stress and anxiety. If this stress is excessive, it can be very harmful to the animal and cause other problems such as behavioral disorders. It will also be possible to see tics, unpredictable and violent reactions, a lack of listening and concentration, etc.

Fortunately, there are many natural products on the market to combat stress and anxiety in horses. The ideal would be to favor plant-based products such as passionflower. It helps calm irritability, nervous agitation, and states of stress. Roman chamomile is an effective alternative, as it is calming and soothing. It is mainly used in cases of stress and anxiety due to its action on the central nervous system.

Hawthorn, for its part, has a calming and relaxing effect on the central nervous system. It is indicated in cases of stress and anxiety. Other plants such as California poppy, lemon balm, and lavender are also very effective against stress.

Equip the barn with abundant natural light

Light plays a very important role in the well-being of horses. It regulates their biological clock and promotes the production of hormones, making horses active. A horse that lacks light will suffer from many health problems such as anemia, an imbalance of carbohydrates, and reduced muscle capacity… When building stables, it is necessary to provide large windows very well-oriented through which light can penetrate.

There are also systems to capture natural light outside and bring it inside to allow horses to make the most of the sun. People who own horses should therefore not hesitate to install this type of system in their stables to ensure the well-being of the horses.

Natural food supplements for equine nutrition

Food supplements are plant-based products enriched with minerals and vitamins. In the context of equine nutrition, the latter is essential. However, this intake should neither be too high (certain vitamins can be harmful in high doses) nor insufficient. It must be balanced.

Today there is a wide variety of food supplements. Choosing them will depend above all on the desired effect. To help the horse recover after exercise, it is recommended, for example, to give him electrolytes. If you want to boost your performance, the ideal would be to favor supplements rich in vitamins such as vitamin B (especially B12). To support the animal’s muscles during exercise, food supplements enriched with vitamin E and selenium are the most recommended.

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